Do you feel overloaded or overwhelmed at your company? As a business owner, it’s likely your schedule is packed and that your responsibilities are growing all the time. Even if you’re highly capable, knowledgeable in your field, and passionate about operating your own company, you may not be able to handle every small detail of the business on your own. That’s where the power of delegation can come in. Here are a few ways you can appropriately delegate core tasks to lower your burden while keeping the company running efficiently.

Delegate According To Your Weak Points and Bring Complementary Strengths Onto Your Team

Before you can figure out which tasks would be best suited for others in the company, you’ll need to reflect on your own weak points. Knowing which tasks you’re likely to be least adept at can help you delegate effectively. You’ll need to:

  • Consider which areas you have the least expertise in
  • Identify tasks you’re not comfortable handling
  • Hire employees or contractors who complement the strengths you currently have on your team
  • Create new positions or expand job duties as needed

Consider Delegating Complicated, Specialized, or Time-Consuming Tasks

One way to delegate in a time-saving fashion is to delegate highly complicated or specialized tasks. For example, if you don’t have expertise in a given area, you can save yourself a headache by finding an employee suited for the job. Some specialized and time-consuming areas that may be ripe for task delegation include:

  • Bookkeeping and/or general accounting
  • Social media marketing
  • Customer service and general tech support
  • Website management

Learn To Let Go of Total Control in Order To Keep the Business Going

For some business owners, letting go of control over the business can be difficult. However, if you want to delegate tasks effectively, remember that you’ll have to:

  • Give up aspects of control over your business for the benefit of the company
  • Learn to collaborate with capable and trusted employees or contractors
  • Continually revise the tasks you delegate and adjust them periodically as is needed

If you love running your own business but have become overwhelmed with too many tasks and details, you can lighten up your load and clear out part of your schedule by delegating key tasks where appropriate. Finding your weak points, bringing employees with complementary strengths onto your team, delegating complex or time-consuming tasks, and learning to let go of total control can help you use delegation as an effective tool to keep the company running smoothly.